52 Projects is an adventure in discovery. Every week, for 52 weeks, do something. Something you’ve never done before. Something you’ve always wanted to do. Something that scares you. Something that inspires you. Something that inspires others. Something that tickles your fancy. Something that caught your eye. Something that just popped into your head. It can be big. It can be small. It can be whatever you want it to be. Find out how doing something can lead you to discover things about yourself, your world, your God. Then, come here on Sundays and share it with others. I'll write about mine here, you write about yours on your blog, then use the tool in my post to link to your something. Please feel free to jump in and participate anytime throughout the year!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 29: lots of biking

My project for this week involves more cycling than what can be done in one day; consider this one as the start of something that will span over the next few months. A while back, for Father's Day, I bought Breen a book of short rides in Philadelphia. It's been sitting around our house for some time now. Most of you know by now that Breen is a pretty avid road cyclist. I, on the other hand, enjoy the slower pace of back trails on my hybrid Trek. I also have noticed that I've gotten a bit soft with my exercise and it is high time to make some changes and stop making excuses. I've tried lots of forms of working out over the years. Running? Hate it. Swimming? Never learned how to do it correctly as a child. Yoga? I have a rod in my back. Kickboxing? Loved it but the trainer stopped giving sessions long ago. Bike riding is something that I really do enjoy though.

This is the book that has gotten me motivated:

It features 26 rides ranging from easy to difficult and as close by as 15 minutes to as far as 3 hours away. One of the rides even involves camping on the trail overnight. I can put the bike on my car and go alone or we can all go as a family because the rides are family friendly which is good exercise for all. This morning Breen and I went to the Wissahicken trail in Philadelphia and I was able to check one off. I've also been on 2 others. That still leaves 23 to go. With a goal like this in mind, it will be easier to want to get on my bike. I'm really looking forward to seeing some new places over the next few months.

What did you do this week?


  1. Hey, this is a great idea! And you'll get to watch the leaves change as you get buff. I want to get more cycling in starting in a few weeks when the tot goes to school. (Right now she's game, but slow, so I end up riding circles around her a lot. It's still great fun, but not exactly heart-pumping.)

  2. Hey baby!! I am looking forward to riding you...um... riding with you, on our bikes. :)

    Hey it's Tuesday and I'm the first to post? I know, I have no room to talk.....

  3. Was just introduced to your blog and will try to participate soon. About 10 years ago, some friends & I rode the STP (Seattle to Portland) which is a 200 mile, 2 day ride. I would love to try the RedSpoke, which is from Redmond Oregon to Spokane Washington. To do that, I'd need to get off my lazy butt and start training again ;-)

  4. Cool! I just asked my little bro to tune up my bike..it's been years, but Helena is just about ready to ditch the training wheels, so I think it will be fun to ride with her.

  5. Ooopps..I linked to the wrong post originally...sorry for the double linking!

  6. ~i did the same thing as diana!! so sorry ; )this is wonderful...i love how it gives you options from short to long...may have to check this one out...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  7. Good project and no doubt some beautiful sceneries to be riding in as well. Enjoy! Will we get some photos?
