Consider this week's project as a self-awareness/personal growth kind of experiment.
This week we were discussing the topic of judgement at our meditation group. And when I refer to judgement, it covers both self-judgement and judging of others. It's not a good place to be with yourself when you cram all sorts of negative thoughts in to your brain. If it's true that what we put out there is what we get back, it would be a good thing to be careful about what we say and think. How many times a day do you find yourself saying something mean to yourself or thinking/saying something unkind about others? Well, that is what I decided to find out.
During our discussion I jokingly said that I'd love to carry around one of those clicking-counter gizmos for an entire week and see how many times I find myself in a place of judgement. Before I knew it, Lois's husband Bill went down to their basement and came back with one for me. So the experiment began. My project will not end officially until next Thursday evening at 7:30 pm. But so far, since Thursday at around 9pm, I have clicked away 53 moments of judgment. The week is still young and the clicker-counter gizmo goes up to 9,999. Hell, just looking at my horrid neighbor could send me way over that limit. See, now I have to click again for just having written that.
Some might say that this project of mine is a little excessive but I insist that it's a really good way to see and monitor these types of patterns. My continued goal here on this planet, in this body, in this lifetime is to keep evolving spiritually and get as close to my loving heart as possible. Besides, it's kind of fun wearing a clicker-counter gizmo around my neck all the makes people wonder what I'm up to.
What did you do this week?