52 Projects is an adventure in discovery. Every week, for 52 weeks, do something. Something you’ve never done before. Something you’ve always wanted to do. Something that scares you. Something that inspires you. Something that inspires others. Something that tickles your fancy. Something that caught your eye. Something that just popped into your head. It can be big. It can be small. It can be whatever you want it to be. Find out how doing something can lead you to discover things about yourself, your world, your God. Then, come here on Sundays and share it with others. I'll write about mine here, you write about yours on your blog, then use the tool in my post to link to your something. Please feel free to jump in and participate anytime throughout the year!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week 23: A gardening project

For as long as I can remember, I've always claimed that I had no green thumb. I hated gardening and never gave it much of a thought. I always loved the look of gardens but couldn't fathom the time that went in to it. But lately something changed. I've been spending a lot of time out on our front porch during this hot weather. When I look out at our little front yard I see trees that need shaping and weeds that need to be pulled. I see a blank canvas with so many possibilities. It all started in the beginning of the this week by simply pulling weeds out of cracks between the paving stones. Next, I decided that a little splash of yellow might be nice to catch me my eye. So off I went to the little plant tent in our town to purchase two Coreopsis plants.

A few days later I walked by a neighbor's garden and complimented her black-eyed susans. The next thing I know she's got a shovel and I'm walking home with a huge clump of them to plant in my own yard.

By Friday I decided to pull out all the stops. I called my parents, home gardeners extraordinaire. Yesterday morning they arrived around 11am with flowers, rakes, a string trimmer, an electric hedge cutter and a leather carrying case filled with pruning sheers and garden tools. My son mowed the lawn and helped trim back trees and bushes with my father while my mother and I tackled the weeds in the flower beds. I rearranged my potted herbs and tomato plant.

We worked hard together out in the sun for nearly five hours. It was fabulous. We hauled away 5 full bags of lawn debris, which Breen helped to fill up for us. The front yard looks so loved and happy.

I am so proud of the work yesterday and I am so glad that a new found interest in gardening has found me.

Working outside with my hands making something beautiful really gave me a sense of pride and purpose. Although we're renting this house, I think it gives me great practice for when we have our own home. I imagine working outside on our yard for hours with such satisfaction. I also believe that whether you rent or own, live in the city or the country, or have a tiny yard or sprawling acreage, there is always an opportunity to make your space beautiful. And the best part? It doesn't cost a whole lot of money; just a few plants and an investment of your hands and time.

What did you do this week?


  1. Wow! That's great. And I am jealous that you have garden experts at your beck and call, and ones who have to love you unconditionally to boot. I agree with everything you said, too. Looking forward to watching the progress.

  2. What a lovely project! I don't have much of a green thumb, but am leanring too! Our last home was rented, and I planted tulips and hyacinths. I still drive by it often, and it felt so good this past spring to see that I left it better than I found it originally.

  3. ~jane...i l♥ve gerdening and so happy you have found your thumb!! may it bring many moments of peace and happiness working and watching life grow...sow those seeds little lady...warm wishes and brightest blessings~
